About Us

我們是由多倫多市及鄰近地區﹐持守相同信仰立場 之華人教會暨福音機構同工組成之不牟利團體。藉著彼此代禱,互相勉勵並交換工作經驗,以促進華人福音事工為目的。我們每年舉辦培靈會及佈道會﹐並且按著需 要籌辦社關活動。

We are a nonprofit organization, formed by the co-workers of the Chinese churches and parachurch organizations of Toronto and surrounding areas, who subscribe to our Statement of Faith. Through mutual prayer, encouragement and experience sharing, our aim is to promote gospel ministry within the Chinese communities. We hold evangelistic meetings and revival meetings each year. We also organize social concerns activities as necessary.